I watched Underworld 4: Awakening this afternoon together with my husband, our first date for 2012. We were supposed to bring our 2-year old daughter to watch with us but we decided not to bring her this afternoon and so we can have time together as a couple. Watching movie together is one of the many things we missed doing together for the past months.
Anyway, its a good thing she didn't come with us, because this movie is not for her age afterall. The movie in which I call "bloody" is like a celebration of violence. Too much killing and fighting for survival and extinction.
Kate Beckinsale or Selene, a strong-willed vampire, a fighter, and a lover proves her enduring love for Michael, her hybrid lover. Along her quest for vengeance and to find him, she met their daughter. One line I like the most is when Selene said to her daughter, "...I'm not cold, I'm just broken." She didn't know how to be a mother at first because she is so focused about finding Michael.
Totally, the movie was not that good for me. I hope the fifth installment is not always about Selene that other characters are forgotten.
P.S. If you're into Underworld, you can find the DVDs or the Blu-Ray at a discounted price HERE
Best Regards,
Des of chicsassymom.com
Reaction from Gil Camporazo of RandomThoughts!