Five minutes have passed and i'm starting to miss my daughter. She'll be away from me today for a couple of hours. Her Aunt invited her to visit their little cousin Jenine. At first,I was hesitant because knowing my little girl, she would insist want she wants, keeps on running once she's out to the mall. But, I guess I have to let her out once in a while. It will teach her to be more sociable and most importantly to have fun.
This was taken after attending her Sunday School
in our church.
While she's away, I would like to take this chance to blog. Visit my favorite blogs site and work. I feel so fortunate to have been blessed with a work at home. This makes me learn things aside from motherhood.
As mothers, it's important that we should not neglect learning. It's a process we all have to take. Our life should not be stocked on the four corners of our home. Even thought we are full-time mothers, we deserve to learn new things. Currently, I am learning Search Engine Optimization. Everyday, I learn great things about it. And I am building a new blog about it which you can search under my blog roll. I am hoping to be able to share it with my readers in the near future..